Digital negotiable


Helping you get it done quickly – and securely. The key to a steady cash flow

What are Digital Instruments?

You want fast, flexible finance, without compromise. We have the team, and the technology, to make it happen.

The key characteristic of the digital instruments detailed below is that they each create an unconditional and independent payment obligation of the debtor in favour of the beneficiary. This payment obligation is independent of the underlying trade transaction.

The parties will be able to agree which digital instrument is to be used on a transaction-by-transaction basis.

Mercore facilitates the creation of these electronic transferable records via the trace:original solution (by Enigio AB).

Enigio has an independent technical endorsement issued by Omegapoint that confirms the trace:original solution fulfils the requirements of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (“MLETR”), and is a secure and reliable system for electronic transferable records.

Bills of Exchange

A BoE is an order by the supplier to the buyer to pay a certain amount (i.e. the purchase price) either on demand, or on a fixed future date.

Section 3(1) of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 defines a bill of exchange as: 
“An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer”.

Promissory Notes

A written promise by the buyer to pay the supplier a certain amount (i.e. the purchase price) either on demand, or on a fixed future date.

Section 83(1) of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 defines a promissory note as: 
“An unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to, or to the order of, a specified person or to bearer”.

Electronic payment undertaking

An EPU is a functionally equivalent instrument created by the International Trade & Forfaiting Association (“ITFA”) that operates in the same way as the BoE and PN.

The EPU delivers an irrevocable, unconditional, and independent payment undertaking that fulfils all requirements of a traditional negotiable instrument, albeit subject to contract law rather than common law.

Assignment agreement

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Nibh nullam vitae semper pharetra sit enim id. Ut eu non massa nec. Proin eget semper orci suspendisse in ornare adipiscing phasellus mauris. Velit faucibus at habitasse tempor sit odio ac commodo dui. Nibh nullam vitae semper pharetra sit enim id. Ut eu non massa nec. Proin eget semper orci suspendisse in ornare adipiscing phasellus mauris. Velit faucibus at habitasse tempor sit odio ac commodo dui.Nibh nullam vitae semper pharetra sit enim id. Ut eu non massa nec. Proin eget semper orci suspendisse in ornare adipiscing phasellus mauris. Velit faucibus at habitasse tempor sit odio ac commodo dui.

Other digital instruments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Bibendum amet at molestie mattis.

Nibh nullam vitae semper pharetra sit enim id. Ut eu non massa nec. Proin eget semper orci suspendisse in ornare adipiscing phasellus mauris. Velit faucibus at habitasse tempor sit odio ac commodo dui. Nibh nullam vitae semper pharetra sit enim id. Ut eu non massa nec. Proin eget semper orci suspendisse in ornare adipiscing phasellus mauris. Velit faucibus at habitasse tempor sit odio ac commodo dui.Nibh nullam vitae semper pharetra sit enim id. Ut eu non massa nec. Proin eget semper orci suspendisse in ornare adipiscing phasellus mauris. Velit faucibus at habitasse tempor sit odio ac commodo dui.